
Servo System of CNC

Open-Loop Control System
Action controls do not depend on the output of the system.
Unable to provide compensation / correction if any disruption.
The accuracy of results depends on the calibration.
Simple and cheap.

Close-Loop Control System
Action controls rely on system output (through feed back).
Overcoming shortcomings of open-loop system because it can provide time correction no interference
over-correction may occur, so the system became unstable
complex and expensive, because more components

Below is an picture type control system, a standard for CNC Machining of Fanuc using the Semi-Close Loop System.

Open – Loop Control System

Semi-Closed Loop System (PRM 1815#1=0)

Full Close Loop System (PRM 1815#1=1)

Hybrid Servo System (Dual position feedback).

To using a both detector as semi-closed loop  and full-closed loop system which mostly is used to big machine.

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